Being a great place to work is being a safe place to work, and every great company has an equally great track record for providing staff with a safe work environment. A safe work environment is one in which employees feel comfortable, confident, and secure in both their physical safety, and their mental and emotional well-being. And research strongly suggests that as well as saving lives and stopping injuries, improved performance is also another great outcome for a strong safety culture within the workplace.
At Alliance SI, the safety of our people is our number one priority. The safety of our team in our offices, on site or anywhere in between. The safety of our customers and their collective community. And the safety of our extended team, from suppliers to partners to our family members. It’s a critical part of our success.
Employees who feel physically protected at work are more engaged, and that makes for great outcomes for everyone. Plus, research has shown that employees who are confident in their physical safety at work experience lower rates of psychological distress and mental health problems.
We take risk assessment and management very seriously, as demonstrated by the clear processes we have in place to identify risks and make informed decisions to implement change. It’s this process that makes our workplace safer for everyone.
- Meaningful workplace policies and practices
- Adequate and ongoing training with regard to physical safety
- Quick response to safety incidents
Creating a mentally safe workplace
As well as ensuring that employees are protected from physical risks, every employer has a duty of care to keep staff protected from psychological risks (as detailed in the Work Health and Safety Act 2011).
For Alliance SI, mental health has always been as important as physical health and safety. We have always strived to create a workplace in which everyone looks forward to attending and participating; we’re open to individuals’ needs, and where employees and managers are flexible and supportive of each other. We encourage open communication between our team, our customers, and our suppliers, and we value every input equally. We know that a mentally healthy workplace works better for everyone.
- Talking openly and raising awareness
- Provide mental health training and information readily
- Supporting individuals
- Reducing risks
- Providing effective return to work policies and processes